FIS News
Athletes active in Bring Children to the Snow campaign
18 June 2014 года
Athletes active in Bring Children to the Snow campaign
Following a successful meeting with the FIS Athletes’ Commission in Barcelona (SPA), Bring Children to the Snow took a moment to sit down with the Chair of the Athletes' Commission Kikkan Randall.

What do the children of tomorrow mean to the athletes of today?

I have gained so many positive skills, connections and experiences through my participation in sport and I want every child to have the same opportunities to benefit from sports like I have had. As the athletes of today, we have the responsibility and pleasure of sharing our love of sport with the children of tomorrow so that they may continue to carry the torch of sport for many generations to come.

Bring Children to the Snow has been involving athletes since its inception. How have you seen this involvement so far?

Some of my greatest memories as an athlete are sharing my experiences and my love of sport with children and experiencing their elation and joy as they try something for the very first time. Athletes have the unique platform to engage children and inspire them to try something new and to dream big. Bring Children to the Snow has recognised the benefit of involving athletes to make their message and reach even more impactful.

Looking towards the future where can you see athletes further involved in the campaign?

Athletes seem to really enjoy being involved with programmes like Bring Children to the Snow but don’t always seek out the opportunities themselves. Giving athletes more opportunities to share their stories, both at events and through the online platforms, can bring further depth to the Bring Children to the Snow campaign.

On World Snow Day 2015 where do you think you will be and what will you be doing?

I plan to be somewhere in Central Europe, enjoying some nice recovery after a demanding Tour de Ski competition. I will be training and playing the snow and probably cheering on my teammates through the TV as they compete in the Otepää (EST) World Cup races.

Source: the official FIS site

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