FIS News
Successful Youth and Children's Seminar
2 October 2014 года
Successful Youth and Children's Seminar
The 12th FIS Youth and Children’s Seminar addressing the topic of “Long Term Athlete Development” has taken place with great success.

Presentations were made by Ron Kipp Alpine Sport Education Manager, USSA Ski Team who highlighted some of the common problems highlighting the need for children to have fun in the sport and competition. Using successes of US World Cup athletes Ron showed practical ways on how coaches can administer the fun.

Former top athlete, Hedda Berntsen examined how athletes find their motivation to compete in a sport. As a Telemark World Champion and Olympic slalom silver and ski cross bronze medalist, she showed that self motivation is of the up most importance for children to compete and enjoy sports. Hedda showed how trust in children plays a key role in developing autonomy and thus motivation.

Next up was safety and FIS Medical Committee secretary Jenny Shute presented the issues with concussion and how they can affect and athlete long term. Studies revealed that many concussions specifically amongst youngsters go untreated. She provided participants with helpful ways to identify concussion and how to treat it so as to not affect an athlete long term.

The afternoon session focused on Bring Children to the Snow. SnowKidz has seen a substantial increase in events and reports of the first events in the southern hemisphere were met positively. Registrations for World Snow Day are also promising. The highlight of the afternoon were the event presentations by SnowKidz Organisers Pedro Farromba (POR) and Claudia Albequrque (BRA) that showed the challenges faced in their nations and the creative ways they have overcome them to bring children to the snow. Ken Read, Chairman of the Youth & Childrens Sub-Committee commented “This was certainly the best FIS Youth and Children’s Seminar. In addressing a variety of topics and providing practical solutions to problems, we showed that long term athlete development happens over a period of time and not in one action.”


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