On the Way to Olympics
 Yuriy Nagornokih: «The Olympic Games gave a stimulus to develop children sport at Sochi»
19 April 2013 года
Yuriy Nagornokih: «The Olympic Games gave a stimulus to develop children sport at Sochi»
The preparation for the Olympic Games Sochi-2014 gave a serious push to development of children and mass sport at Sochi and in Kuban.

Deputy Minister of Sports Yuriy Nagornikh stated that comparing Sochi with other regions 8% more children go into sports.

27 sport schools work at Sochi, 13 of them are schools of Olympic Reserve plus two centers of sports preparation. These facilities are visited by more than 16,5 thousand people, it is 40% of all pupils of Sochi. During the last three days about 75 indoor sports facilities were built in Krasnodarskiy region.

Source: Press Office of the Russian Ski Association

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