On the Way to Olympics
Skiers plan to hold training camps on Sakhalin
20 August 2014
Representatives of cross-country skiing federation continue seeking a new location for training camps in Russia.
Zhang Yimou to direct Beijing 2022 Olympic Bid promotional video
12 August 2014
(SFC) At a press conference in the Chinese capital Thursday, Chinese director Zhang Yimou announced he would direct a promotional video for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games bid.

From Olympics to children schools
6 August 2014
Children sport schools of Karachayevo-Cherkessiya will get Olympic equipment.
Marit Bjørgen and Sondre Turvoll Fossli win sprint at Blink 2014
4 August 2014
Blink Festival 2014 came to an end on Saturday as sprint competitions were on the schedule.
Olympic exhibits from Fenninger and Gizin
31 July 2014
The Olympic Champions of Sochi-2014 Dominique Gisin (downhill) and Anna Fenninger (Super G) gave its exhibits to the Olympic museum.
Yuriy Nagornikh: “We should effectively spend forces on preparation”
30 July 2014
The Deputy-minister of Sport of the Russian Federation Juriy Nagornikh gave an interview to “Sport-Express” newspaper.
Sportaccord convention 2015 set for Sochi
25 July 2014
President of SportAccord, Mr. Marius L. Vizer has announced  that the 2015 SportAccord Convention will be staged in Sochi, April/May next year (date to be announced soon).
Chief of Pyeongchang's organizing committee quits
21 July 2014
The head of Pyeongchang's organizing committee for the 2018 Winter Olympics resigned Monday, saying new leadership is needed to complete preparations for the games.
Alexey Pokashnikov: “Development of training centers in Russia is extremely important”
8 July 2014
Representatives of skiing federations of Russia visited the Murmansk region.
Vancouver 2010 takes its final bow with positive financial figures
7 July 2014
Eleven years after winning the right to host the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, the Vancouver Organising Committee (VANOC) has released its final financial and operational report showing a positive financial outcome and no liabilities, officially bringing its activities to a close. VANOC has achieved its goal: to deliver successful Games with lasting, debt-free legacies.

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