On the Way to Olympics
Presentation of Olympics-2014 took place in Brussels
3 December 2013
The presentation of Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games took place in General Headquarters of the European parliament in Brussels.
Ukrainian Olympic Champions to get 85 000 dollars for “Gold”
2 December 2013
The Olympic premium for Ukrainian national team announced.
Olympic Meeting in Moscow
29 November 2013
Friday, 29 November, in the Russian Olympic Committee a meeting was held.
Vladimir Putin: “Final stage is always hard”
28 November 2013
Today, 28th November, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin inspected preparation works for the Olympic Games in Sochi.
Weather forecasters prepare for the Olympics
27 November 2013
Experience of weather forecasting in Sochi will improve the service for the whole Russia.
On the road to Sochi: Jason Lamy-Chappuis
27 November 2013
Jason Lamy-Chappuis is an Olympic champion, four-time World Champion, triple overall FIS Nordic Combined World Cup winner and Sochi 2014 flag bearer for the French Olympic team. The 27-year-old has achieved what most other people only dream of. FIS interviewed the Frenchman before the Olympic season.
Sochi 2014 Ticket Centers open in Sochi and Moscow
26 November 2013
The Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee opened its main ticket centers in Sochi and Moscow.
 Vonn's Injury Poses More Olympic Opportunity Than Threat for NBC
25 November 2013
Lindsey Vonn’s absence from next year’s Olympics would be a big blow for Comcast Corp.’s NBC unit -- and an opportunity.
Yuriy Nagornikh: “Development of sports in regions will be the main goal after Olympics”
22 November 2013
Development of Regional Centers of Sport Preparation and children sport will be the priority of the Ministry of sport of the Russian Federation after the Winter Olympic Games 2014.
“Olympic Village” and “Krasnaya Polyana” train stations are named in Sochi
21 November 2013
Railway stuff named two railway stations of Sochi.

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